Stupid Facebook
This text explains that Facebook has taken arbitrary action against me for opposing violence towards children. I'm deliberately writing in English to avoid any misunderstandings.
On February 11, 2024, Facebook prompted me with, "What's on your mind, Mawan?"
I shared my thoughts regarding the case of the death of a 6-year-old child, D, who was submerged in a swimming pool by YA, the boyfriend of the victim's mother. The perpetrator claimed he was training the victim's endurance in holding breath underwater, an excuse I find unreasonable. If such acts are deemed acceptable, there's concern that similar cases may arise in the future, like repeated beatings under the pretext of physical resilience training.
I was shocked when Facebook deleted my post a few hours later, citing a violation of Community Standards regarding violence and incitement. Despite my intention to prevent such actions, I wonder why Facebook removed an anti-violence campaign. I've long observed that Facebook's AI is inferior, with poor translations. Now, I'm more convinced that not only is the system flawed, but the employees handling content are as well.
I do not support violence or incitement. As a teacher and the father of a 3.5-year-old son, I've never harmed him physically or raised my voice at him.
One might say, "It's a trivial matter. Just type it again."
It's not that simple. I adhere to rules and take pride in being law-abiding. When Facebook labels me as rule-breaking, my pride is disturbed.
I'll continue to fight because I'm confident I'm not guilty. Facebook may delete my post, but I'll share this on my blogs, Tik-Tok, X (Twitter), and other platforms. Let the community judge Facebook's arbitrary actions against a good, innocent person. It's not just about wasting time or missing money-making opportunities on Facebook; it's about self-respect. One person's self-respect against the Facebook giant. I won't give up until Facebook acknowledges the negligence of its unprofessional employees.
I suggest Facebook should recruit employees who understand the Indonesian language and communication style, and conduct manual verification before punishing someone!
Every region has its linguistic style. In some areas, saying "F*** you" might be normal, but when translated into Indonesian, it could be perceived as very rude. Similarly, the Indonesian language has phrases considered normal here but might be deemed inappropriate overseas. That's why I recommend Facebook hire employees genuinely familiar with Indonesian, not just AI or individuals from the United States relying on Facebook's poor machine translation results.